Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Year We Let Lunacy Go Mainstream

You'd like to think that people get what they deserve. The entire American political system — in theory, anyway — is dedicated to that proposition, among some others. In a monarchy, for example, you luck into a good king, or else you have the misfortune of living under the reign of a bucktoothed, inbred hemophiliac until such time as that person accidentally falls under the wheels of his own touring car. It's not your fault when His Royal Highness appoints his pet rabbit to be Chancellor of the Exchequer or ambassador to Finland. However, the American system is constructed such that if, like the people of the great state of Florida so did last month, you elect to be your governor the greatest Medicare swindler in the nation's history, you bear all the blame down the line if and when he starts handing over your public institutions like door prizes to his corporate cronies, or sees the public treasury as something of an ATM machine, some of which apparently is happening already, despite the guy not actually being in office yet.

But we would almost guarantee that this will not happen, that no burden shall be shouldered henceforth. We have insulated ourselves from the responsibility of what we are doing to our country and its politics and, therefore, its government, all of which belong to us — in theory, anyway. And that is what triumphed in 2010.

The national Id was the Creature of the Year, and any fair balloting wouldn't even have been close....


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