Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Haley Barbour and the Northern Race Vote

Mississippi governor Haley Barbour said some dismissive, insensitive, historically inaccurate stuff about race relations in the South in the 1960s the other day. His take: things really weren't that bad. And the segregationist Citizen Council movement was just "an organization of town leaders." 

Now Barbour has issued a grand apology and made it clear that he abhors segregation and racism, no ifs, ands, or buts. Another thing this makes clear is that his original statement really was a dog whistle: it was meant to send a message about his racial politics that only those who share them could hear. Barbour is a shrewd politician, and he would not have set foot near the racial borderline had he not wanted to plant his flag there. The apology may also be sending a message: by Economist blogger J.F.'s reading of it, he's indicating that he's going to run for president in 2012.

These events and their meaning will be debated by many for a long time, and many will (and already have) declared that Barbour is nothing but a closet racist himself. I understand things a bit differently...

Source: http://www.esquire.com/blogs/politics/haley-barbour-northern-race-vote?src=rss

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