Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Barton appeals to freshmen in Congress as he lobbies for Energy and Commerce gavel

Locked in a campaign to become chairman of the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Joe Barton, R-Arlington, is appealing for support to members of his party's huge freshman class.

The 85 GOP freshmen represent more than a third of their caucus' incoming majority. With numbers like that, the new lawmakers can sway the outcome of votes in the Republican Conference, which is voting today on the GOP's internal rules. They'll also have three members on the Republican Steering Committee, which votes on the choices for committee chairmen.

In his latest appeal for support, Barton said this morning that he would support appointing freshmen to Energy and Commerce, a panel that is in high demand among lawmakers. Many of the new Republicans want to repeal the health care law -- such a bill would have to go through Energy and Commerce. Here's part of Barton's statement on the matter:

"In short, the Energy and Commerce Committee will be the front lines in the battle to repeal ObamaCare, and stop job-killing environmental regulations, and provide an environment in which businesses, not government, create jobs. The new members - and the people they represent - deserve a seat at the table.

"We allowed freshmen to serve on Energy and Commerce after Republicans gained the majority in 1995 and I will ask Speaker Boehner and the Republican leadership team to give freshmen a voice on the committee next year.


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