Friday, March 25, 2011

Why Newt Gingrich Is Awesome

In an unsettled age — when often the rules of nature themselves seem suspended, hysteria is the lingua franca, permanent despots fall in a contagious revolution, for the first time in the life of America it is hard to see if or how the next generation will do better than the last, and life itself becomes so unpredictable that the likeliest thing to happen next is the unprecedented unknown — it is reassuring to look over and see a familiar face.

Yes, Newt. Hi, Mr. Speaker. So very nice to see you. When we find ourselves in times of trouble, Speaker Gingrich comes to us. Speaking words of wisdom. We've been through a lot together, haven't we, sir? And now today you're announcing a likely future announcement that you'll be seriously exploring an exploratory committee for the presidency of the United States of America.

Well, you could knock us over with a feather, because as your former wife and most important aide Marianne told Esquire's John H. Richardson about your presidential aspirations for this groundbreaking piece on you last fall...


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