Saturday, February 26, 2011

The road less travelled

"Two roads diverged in a... wood and sorry I could not travel both." Today the Prime Minister follows the words of the poet Robert Frost* and takes the road less travelled - making an instant, screeching u-turn on the sell off of the nation's woods.

The signs were all there when I spoke to David Cameron on Monday:

Nick Robinson:

"You have in some ways had a bumpy few weeks after a comfortable few months, alleged u-turns on forests, and prisoner voting, and difficulties in the courts with school building. Is there something that you analyse and say 'actually there's something we are not getting right here'?"

David Cameron:

"I think, look. Government is a lot harder than opposition. You know you are making decisions, you are doing things, and I think when you have a government that has quite bold plans to deal with the deficit... but also to make our public services better, to try and open up our country in the way that we are, you know there's an awful lot of decisions, an awful lot of issues, and you have to try to get a hell of a lot of things right all in one go. Of course governments make mistakes. I hope that when we do, we are relatively fast in trying to admit a mistake, put it right, sort it out."


*hat tip to Today programme presenter Justin Webb for the literary reference


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